Waiting faces. One hopeful and the other all kinds of skeptical.

Mr. Hopeful becomes Mr. Doubtful and Mr. Doubtful becomes Mr. Hopeful.

The Reveal.

Stick-horses for the Win!

They had no clue...

So we literally showed them a how-to cartoon for riding stick horses. ...Only my boys...

Which doesn't change the fact that they loved them.

Once they got the hang of it, galloping has become part of our daily fun.

With the occassional, Look, mama! Jesus!

Up close. Bigfoot got robots.

Linus got elephants.

I think they're going to have a lot of fun with these two sticks-horses! I kind of heart them and am sooooo thankful for my friend who so generously shared her time and talent with me!
Head over to her place by clicking on the image below or HERE to get the tutorial if that's your thing!
All I know is if I can do it, you definitely can!