Where to start??
We had a few days of health last week quickly followed by myself and my youngest randomly getting the stomach bug. A 24-hour one, which was kind of thoughtful of the bug but the vomit. Oh the vomit. No thank you.
The stomach bug was followed by a few days of healing and getting our energy back only for my oldest to surprise us with an allergic reaction. The kind that comes with swelling and itchy rash along his mouth and chin. He hasn't had one since he was 10 months, when we first discovered there was an allergy. Since then we've avoided all things diary and lactose fairly well. And to be honest, I have yet to figure out exactly what triggered his reaction on Saturday. No thank you, again.
In turn I set up an appointment to follow up on the food allergy because we need to get to the bottom of this and bring on the investigation. The kind that will tell us exactly what does not sit well with the little guy. Appointments were made, plans were set, and we had steps taking us forward.
Only, he started feeling ill the day before complaining of stomach pain on and off. Struck a fever and complained of a headache by evening. Nurse triage encouraged us to aftercare and there we were. All the major scary things were ruled out - thank you! But, it's just a virus, was the diagnosis. No, thank you.
He has some lingering fever and fatigue, but hasn't thrown up since 4:30AM. We've had all the cartoons on all day while I do all. the. laundry and disinfect all the house. Again.
To the vomit and allergic reaction, I say No, thank you. To the whole of it, well, this is our season.
I'm thankful the stomach pain wasn't something crazy-serious. I'm thankful that the allergic reaction didn't warrant the kind that would have had us high-tailing it to the hospital. I'm thankful that the swelling and itching went down after a day. I'm thankful that even though there's been vomit, it really has been short lived.
Lastly, I'm thankful it's Holy Week. So many opportunities to grow in service and love over here. Knowing Holy Thursday is tomorrow helps. Knowing that Christ took the place of a servant so that we may know to serve has been encouraging. And knowing we are about to embark on the Holy Triduum brings me back to my present in a way that makes me feel alright.
On that note, let's enjoy those few days of sunshine I was able to capture prior to our umpteenth round of sickness!

These brothers enjoyed hunting for beetles, roly-poly, worms, and all other little creepy-crawly-critters.