"There is no moment at which God does not present himself under the guise of some suffering, some consolation or some duty...
Could we pierce the veil and were we vigilant and attentive, God would reveal himself continuously to us and we should rejoice in his action in everything that happens to us. At every occurrence we should say: Dominus est. It is the Lord; and in all circumstance we should find a gift from God."
-Fr. J.P. de Caussade, S.J., Self-Abandonment to Divine Providence
You're little ones wake you up in the morning, whether it be with smiles and giggles or tears and dirty diapers. Dominus est.
You make eggs and toast with a nice side of bacon or you scarf a breakfast bar on your way out. Dominus est.
You sit still for a moment or you're running around chasing toddlers. Dominus est.
You meet God in prayer or plea for the Mother of our Lord to share the prayers of your heart with her Son because you haven't had a moment nor do you have the words. Dominus est.
You meet with a friend you haven't seen in awhile or you hunker down for one more day because you have sick kiddos. Dominus est.
You have a day that puts a smile on your face or you have a day that makes your shoulders slump. Dominus est.
Day-to-day ups and downs, storytimes, driving, playing, going for walks outside, making it to a conference call, making puzzles, building blocks for them to be knocked over again and again, tending to bumped heads and boo-boos, going to work, staying home, comforting, refereeing, being late or being on-time, hugging, struggling, holding hands, cooking again and again and again, dishes, laundry, discernment, loving, sleeping, sharing, reading, studying, stillness, fellowship, praying, laughing, dating, kindness, and everything under the sun.
Dominus est. It is the Lord.
There is grace in the now.
When we seek to meet Him, He will meet us. When we turn our eyes toward Him, we will see Him. In every moment. He will be there.
Let's be vigilant and attentive today. Let's meet our moments by saying Dominus est. It is the Lord!
And with thankful hearts, let's embrace the sweet little gifts Our Loving Father is always sharing with us.

Linking-up with Embrace the Ordinary.