Bigfoot. 3. Will smile for a picture now (briefly), loves playing with his daddy outside, and love love loves the Dallas Cowboys.

Evidence of daddy-love.

"Wait upon the Lord; be faithful to His commandments; He will elevate your hope, and put you in possession of His Kingdom. Wait upon Him patiently; wait upon Him by avoiding all sin. He will come, doubt it not; and in the approaching day of His visitation, which will be that of your death and His judgment, He will Himself crown your holy hope. Place all your hope in the Heart of Jesus; it is a safe asylum; for he who trusts in God is sheltered and protected by His mercy. To this firm hope, join the practice of virtue, and even in this life you will begin to taste the ineffable joys of Paradise.”
-Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, Father and Doctor of the Church
* * * * * * * *
Also been thinking about my dear friends today and have been praying for them every time I think of them. If y'all could join me in keeping my beautiful friends in prayer I would appreciate that so very much.
If you aren't sure what all has happened here's a brief description of the journey that started yesterday:
Our friend started having seizures yesterday afternoon after never having had such an episode. He has had a number since and doctors are presently trying to diagnose what could be causing this. He is presently in Medical ICU. Doctors are still thinking it's cardio-related and that it could have been triggered anywhere from something digested to something he was born with or an infection that causes the heart rate to drop leading to these episodes. Thankfully he hasn't had an episode since 7:30 pm yesterday. It is likely he will have a pacemaker in tomorrow; could be temporary or permanent. If so, no restrictions; life should continue as normal, praise the Lord! (paraphrased from his wife)
Let's lift this couple in prayers! All the doctors involved. And thank God for giving them such peace during what could be an incredibly stressful time.