Fast-forward to six years ago and my tech loving husband gave me a little nudge into this blog world. Only, at the time, I had no idea what was out there. At the time, I was but a star a midst a galaxy that could only see the immediate space around me. I had no idea of the amazing community that existed in this blogosphere filled with so many true and beautiful galaxies sharing His goodness. But, thanks be to God, I do now.
When I first started sharing on this little space of mine, I felt awkward. I focused on sharing photos and moments for family and friends near and far. Since that time I have evolved, little by little; still awkward, but still sharing. Piece by piece and moment by moment, what stirs me gets shared through photos and through the words that my little heart strings together, always striving to authentically portray this beautifully messy journey He has me on.
Sharing grace and moments of love - sharing my love for the wisdom of the saints, scripture, and His beauty in the little things. Days with ups and days with downs. Times of goodness and times of struggle. These are all the things you'll find throughout this space.

So grab some coffee or tea and imagine us growing in love and sisterhood together! Pray you'll stay around and we'll get to know each other! I've been so blessed by this beautiful community and I pray that this little space of mine will be a blessing place for you too!