Friday, October 7, 2016

{#write31days - day 6} gifts of summer - part 1

Taking trips with littles can be tough stuff. Even still, you'll never hear me regret a travel that we took to meet with the gift of family.

God has shared some pretty beautiful people with our little family and any moments we get to steal with them is always such a blessing.

Admittedly, I was pretty exhausted on this trip. Dandelion has had a tough go with cutting teeth, a go that started around this time over the summer. 

And once we got home, it was go time even still. We jumped straight into homeschooling, a last minute trip for a death of a loved one, more teething, more homeschooling, and life.

Being able to look back on all the gifts we had in so many little moments over the summer has shared a peace and goodness with my heart today. Thankfully, I caught some moments with our camera and, in turn, have some pretty strong evidence of His Goodness in our life!

For some reason, I was meant to be in a sleepy stupor during most of this trip. Either way, I'm thankful that I was still able to have a time filled with blessing from all around. Our family helped me when they could by letting me sleep in or steal an afternoon nap, taking the fussy baby if she had been with me for any length, tending to the older two and making sure they were having a beautiful time filled with laughter and fun, asking how I was, sharing amazing food, making sure I had a margarita in hand after putting the baby down for the night, and even changing some stinky diapers for me.

Through this and so much more, I was carried.

"You are seeking the secret of belonging to God, dear souls? There is no other than to make use of everything which God gives you. Everything leads to union with God, everything perfects you, except sin and what is outside your duty; all you have to do is to accept everything and let God act. Everything directs you, keeps you straight and carries you along."

-Fr. Jean-Pierre de Caussade, S.J., Self Abandonment to Divine Providence

motherhood // standing

  Never had I experienced true fear or anxiety till becoming a mother. Fragile little souls wrapped in beauty pla...