For me, family time is always a good time. Time spent sharing love and joy. I see it in my kids; how they light up at every chance to see an uncle, a grandparent, an aunt, etc. They just L I G H T up!
It's a beautiful thing.
Funny enough though, as much as I love family time, I love celebrating the saints any chance I remember to/have the energy to/or have the mind to! There was a temptation over the weekend to get distracted in wanting to do something special or in particular for the Feast of the Archangels or the Feast of St. Therese, but that wasn't where His Will was for me or us, and that was good!
"The present moment is always the ambassador who declares the order of God."
-Fr. Jean-Pierre de Caussade, S.J., Self-Abandonment to Divine Providence
Love that wisdom! So simple, and yet, so profound!
As always, His Will and goodness were so much better than whatever little to-do I would have come up with because we were with the gifts we have in grandparents. Also, I know that in celebrating our time together as family these same saints and angels were celebrating our love along with us! And that my friends is so very beautiful.
Our present moments over the weekend were filled with so much goodness. One of the reasons I really do love taking photos is because it takes a snapshot of tiny gifts we have in those little moments, even the staged ones!
So for today I'll be sharing glimpses of His Love that we were blessed to experience over the weekend - moments captured by my good ole' camera.

As these photos were uploading, I was struck with how, in so many little ways, we did do things to celebrate these wonderful saints!
For starters, we loved on quite a few animals while at the pumpkin farm (Shout out to St. Francis of Assisi - Oct. 4). We were able to enjoy lots of little things such as all the hugs, kisses, snow cones, game night, snuggles, a new pair of shades, date night, and I even had time to finish the sweetest little crochet flower bonnet for Dandelion (Shout out to St. Therese of Lisuiex - Oct. 1). The boys went out and played battle, fully equipped with swords and shields (Shout out the St. Michael the Archangel - Sept. 29). And finally, the boys also did some major soaring on the swings out back (Shout out to the Feast of Our Guardian Angels - Oct. 2)! OH, and to round out such a fun and blessed weekend I think today is a great day to make that Michaelmas dessert I keep putting off!
Love how these little means of celebration were twined throughout our very good weekend with family!
Unexpected gifts in my present all throughout the weekend! Thankful for the time to sit with those moments captured by camera so I could see a little better how God was working His Love.
What unexpected gifts have you captured lately?
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