Tuesday, October 18, 2016

{#write31days - day 12} beauty and rest

Our days have been filled and good. Time keeps ticking on by and the kids keep growing in their little kid ways. While I, their mother, keep diving into the ocean of little things and big things that keep my heart growing and stretching.

It's been hard keeping up with this #write31days challenge! I'm not sure what I thought would happen or how it all would go down once I decided to jump in, but finding the time to write write write has been more challenging in this season of life because my babies just don't keep and they just need their mama.

It's not a bad thing. I'm thankful. Thankful for all of it! I'm enjoying this season - busyness and all. I'm loving the gifts I have in these little ones who are growing into big ones all too quickly, loving my husband and where we are, and just thankful for what this year has brought us through family and friends, homeschooling and our day-to-day, but most especially through Faith in Him.

This space has always been a sort of scrapbooking/journaling type place for me. It's how I started. I wanted to keep family in touch through photos and words. Then it sort of morphed a bit more into a spiritual journal because that's where my mind naturally wanders. I like where my little blog is now and know that it's not done growing and changing, which is exciting.

But what keeps me coming back to this space anytime I have a spare minute? Even when I get away from it for weeks or months at a time?

Beauty and Rest.

You see, Beauty has always drawn me closer to Him. Anytime I feel myself getting lost in all the tragedy and sadness and suffering in the world I get the tug to return to Him in my present - I feel the tug to seek His Beautiful Face where I am.

In the present, His Beauty is easy to rest in.

"And he said to them, "Come away by yourselves to a lonely place, and rest a while."

-Mark 6:31

Similarly, when life gets to feeling like chaos, my soul yearns for rest and stillness. Writing here meets that desire. Here is where I get to sit with my thoughts and my heart and just be, which is so good for my little soul. 

So even though I've missed a number of days for this writing challenge, I've been able to further discern why I still want to keep writing along through my days of good and days of challenge. This space brings me back to His Beauty and truly lets me rest awhile with Him in His Word, His Beauty, prayer, and the gift of the wisdom of the holy men and women who have gone before me.

All these things that get wrapped up in this little blog of mine keep me seeking my Dominus est moments through presence, words, photography, and grace upon grace upon grace. I love capturing my little moments that help me see His Presence in little ways throughout my days. I also love sharing those gifts. Social media and the internet can easily become a black hole of all the suffering that exists, and while suffering has it's place in this world, it certainly is not all that this world has to offer, by a long shot! I like to think that I'm just doing my little part of countering all the emphasis of sin and disorder through my random experiences of grace that allow me to see beauty and order a midst my days filled to the brim with life.

Dominus est moments // lately:

Dandelion will be 10 months this October. She continues to blossom so very beautifully with each new day.
Bigfoot has turned into quite the climber. He loves being outside running barefeet, exploring with his brother and neighborhood friends, and playing anything sport related.
Sundays have been good around these parts lately. There was a time that they felt so stressed filled with a need to get all the things done, but lately they've been filled with some pretty good rest, family time, and goodness.
 How she loves him and food! I adore watching their relationship grow.
Family movie nights have morphed into family game nights and we are loving them! I haven't laughed as hard as I did when we played charades the other week. So good, so fun, and so welcome.
Fall is here and so is my want for warmth (even if it is still hot outside!). This chicken soup with sweet potato noodles was a delight!
Rainy days are for painting.
Our resident artist, Linus, is still creating with anything he can get his hands on. Do you see the little face?
She waits for him, everyday. She goes to the door waiting for her daddy to get home and when he does, oh my goodness does she L I G H T up! It's a stunning moment filled with so much joy and excitement, it literally gets me every time. If only I could wait on Him this way!
Our most recent family snap! All five us. This photo just makes me smile.
Beauty and Rest. Rest and Beauty. These two things will keep me coming away a while to this little space of mine. These two things will keep me resting in my Lord who calls me to rest as well as sharing the beauty my heart finds. My hope is that in some small way, you too will be encouraged to find Him in your present because it is there, my dear friends, that He is waiting to reveal to us His Love, Peace, and Presence as well as His Beauty, Truth, and Goodness.

I'm writing for 31 days in October. Click on the image below to see what else I've had to share on the gift of the present moment.

motherhood // standing

  Never had I experienced true fear or anxiety till becoming a mother. Fragile little souls wrapped in beauty pla...