Alrighhhttt.... SO. Our Feast of the Archangels was good! It was a grace-filled day and good. The day after was rough. Hidden graces that I have no awareness of whatsoever may have been hanging around but I spied nada.

At the end of the day, I couldn't be more thankful for sweet St. Therese on the rougher of days. She brings simplicity back to my rambled mess of a brain and heart. She redirects me and tells me it's all going to be okay.
" sweet is the way of love! No doubt, we are liable to fall, to fail in constancy, but love knows how to draw profit from everything. It quickly consumes anything that may be displeasing to Jesus, leaving only a humble and profound peace at the bottom of our heart."
-St.Therese of Lisieux
See what she did there? Simple. The way of love! So beautiful and so simple. Reminding us that we are sure to fall and fail in constancy (I can assure you both of these things happened yesterday!). Reminding me that in light of the love I have in my heart for my family and for my Lord, profit can and will be drawn.
But she doesn't just stop there!
That bit on humility - pretty sure I was chewing on a large slice of humble cobbler last night and will continue to do so all day today too. Pretty sure! And all for good reason! All to keep perspective. All to redirect my heart to home and to begin again today.

Sweetly and simply moving forward - erring on the side of love. The place where He meets our efforts and makes them good again.