This little face turned four over the summer. My heart and mama-brain are still trying to wrap around the reality of this incredible little soul we are blessed and honored to call our son.
He came into the world with the sweetest temperament and it's been such a gift to be able to see his little light grow and change over these last years. Seeing the love that he is capable of is inspiring.
This little guy loves hard.
He cares.
He is such a good brother. And even though they get into little tifts here and there, he really does cherish his younger sibling. A ton!

I love their love and brotherhood. It's one of the most beautiful things I've been privileged to see as their mother. The way they look for each other and miss each other when they're apart is the sweetest and as much as their rambunctiousness can get them hurt or in trouble on the regular, the fun, silliness, and laughter that always is being had is always worth it.
He also couldn't be more excited about our newest addition who will be here in January!
Is she here yet, mama? She's taking so long! Why?
(While at his homeschooling academy morning prayer) Pray for my baby sister in my mama's tummy.
He is sure that our newest little sweet is a sister. We'll see if this little desire of his comes to fruition come winter.
He loves the ocean. So much.
And music.

Guitars, drums, and singing happen on the daily with this little guy. Whether he's in the bathroom making up random songs with his random thoughts or he's in the playroom trying to play along to whatever music we have playing, music fills him.

He adores his family, both immediate and extended. His favorite times are trips to grandparents houses, to the ocean, and trips made with dear friends.
His friends...he loves them beautifully too. He tells me so often.
Hey mama, you know so-and-so, I love them. They are my friends and I love them.
Where's daddy? Can we go see daddy? Will daddy come for lunch today? Mama, daddy works very hard. I love him.

Playing hard is all he knows. It gets him in trouble often, but I also know it is a strength of his that will blossom in amazing ways come with age.

Mama, this is the best day of my lifffeeeee EVER!
Did you see that play??!! He hit it out of the park! He did! He did it!!!!
Daddy, can we play with my wooden bat and ball tonight? Can we? I'll show you some solid hits! Remember that time I hit it so hard it went straight at you and far!? Remember, daddy? I can do it again!

He has a grateful heart in a little four year old kinda way.
{Out of no where and regularly} Mama, I love you.
Hey Linus, I love you.
Daddy, let's play MouseTrap!? Can we?
Did you pray for baby?? Don't forget to pray for baby!
Togetherness and closeness is his love language. He's been a snuggler from the beginning and I love seeing how it has transformed into his love for togetherness, family, and friendship over the years.
Me. He loves me something fierce. I see it in his eyes. I feel it in his snuggles, hugs, and kisses. And I hear it in his sweet little thoughts and words.
Mama, I love you.
Mama, do you need to rest. Are you okay?
Mama, I'm sorry for not listening. Can I tell you sorry and give you a kiss?
(During family prayer) I'm thankful for time with Mama today.
He's managed to learn at least three new poems this first year of homeschooling as well as memorize oodles of fun songs. It's lovely, beautiful, and good. It also makes me more excited for all the fun that is to come in this department.
His nickname on the blog has always been Bigfoot for good reason. This little-big guy has lived up to it in heart, mind, body, and soul these last four years. He has a heart so much bigger than I could have imagined, his little mind is always on the scurry to grow bigger so that it can take in as much knowledge as he can about this great big world that he is in, he somehow has managed to be the youngest in his homeschooling co-op but also one of the tallest, and his big and beautiful soul teaches me more and more how to be better and good for our little family and others.