Beauty has been on the mind a lot lately. It's not too surprising given that Our Divine Artist has shared so much to entice our senses, but I also know my senses crave this when there's turmoil in the air.
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There isn't necessarily turmoil in our home. But, I'd be lying to say what happens outside of our little home doesn't affect us as a family. The truth is, it does. It always does. And, it always will.
Life happens in our home and life happens outside our home. Right now there's just a lot of crazy, and not just crazy, but terrifying crazy happening on the outside.
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Don't get me wrong. There is a time to discuss, act, and mourn the sadness, pain, and sin that is going on near and far. There is.
But today, from my little corner, I'm wanting to share some beauty. Beauty that we had before we had some of the craziest months ever.
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The beauty and goodness we experienced the week before we came home from the island with the parasite that plagued my youngest was so good. So so good.
Despite my morning sickness and despite my crazy fatigue there was still so much good to take in. These photos are really just the tip of the iceberg to be honest. We had so many good moments filled with love, laughs, friends, and family.
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These photos were just so easy to take, too. The colors were everywhere! The sights moving with the motion of the ocean, always giving us new glimpses of so much to absorb - so much to embrace and breathe in.
When your senses have experienced and seen these gifts, your soul just feels soothed with hope and calm no matter what is happening in your home or in the world.
Despite our inclination to stress or fall into all the struggles that surround each and every one of us, beauty is always there. Waiting for us to open our eyes, heart, and soul to her.
Beauty loves to hold us.
Beauty is always ready to be seen.
Never faltering. Never hiding. Always on the surface if we just take the time to look.
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I love beauty and the story it shares. I love how it moves us closer to Him and shows us His Radiant Face.
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Praying these little glimpses of beauty I caught a few months ago soothe your soul the way it has mine.
And praying that you are able to see and experience some beauty and goodness in your day today, too. I know there's a lot in the world that needs our prayer and action, but I also know that we must sustain ourselves however we can.
This is my little way to do so - finding and sharing my little bits of beauty.