Tuesday, September 29, 2015

liturgical living // feast of the archangels

"It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels."

-Saint Augustine

Happy Feast of the Archangels! We celebrated today, with an emphasis on St. Michael only because my boys are just all about battles, dragons, and warriors right now.

I'm going to share our day in photos with little tidbits throughout. Overall, it was such a good day! The boys loved celebrating and being able to participate in the makings of today. We did some crafting, ate some yummy food, read some good books, and as you can imagine, had random battling throughout the day.

Enjoy and pray your day has been blessed and filled with goodness!

Not-a-morning-person's breakfast guide for the Feast of Michaelmas:

Apparently you can do a lot with scrambled eggs, some bacon, toast with royal purple jelly, and honey!

Not-much-of-a-crafter's guide to St. Michael armor and shield:

The boys painted some paper plates a few days ago with water paint. I pulled out a few pipe cleaners and tape to put it all together and Voila!
Armor for days!
The boys played battle for a short while which quickly turned to battle in the form of sports and exploration of nature.
They had fun though.

Oh! And we found a flower! Pretty sure this little beauty is the only flower on our entire property (Haha. Like it's a big property..but still! We have no pretties around!). I really need to figure out how to turn my black thumb, green!

A luminary for St. Michael - Craft numero dos:

 The boys were pretty excited about played with glue and for being able to make our table decor for feast!
 I have to admit, the teamwork made my heart happy and I think it made theirs happy too.


Dinner Menu:

 (a la traditions and sweet Haley over at Carrots for Michaelmas)

Roasted Chicken
Roasted Carrots with Thyme
(+ potatoes and onion)
Blackberry Cobbler
 The boys made the cobbler and were so so so proud.
 Mama made all the roasted stuff.
 But the cobbler. Oh, that cobbler! So delicious!
Our table decor was fantastic and the boys were pretty proud about this too! So thankful to Mary for giving me the idea to pull this little craft together last minute!
 Would you look at this dessert! Pioneer Woman never fails! Also, only five ingredients!
Ending the night on a note that tasted so divine was just great! 

The boys and our whole little family really enjoyed celebrating the Feast of Archangels (with an emphasis on St. Michael, for today). And, now that we celebrated two years in a row, it's a thing! Woohoo! Color me excited! Can't wait for next year!

I'm thinking we'll be able to learn more about St. Raphael and bring him into the feasting more or perhaps just solely focus on St. Raphael and St. Gabriel since I think cognitively the boys will be able to grasp their stories better. We shall see!

St. Michael the Archangel,

defend us in battle. 
Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. 
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, 
and do thou, 
O Prince of the heavenly hosts, 
by the power of God, 
thrust into hell Satan, 
and all the evil spirits, 
who prowl about the world 
seeking the ruin of souls.

For any and all explanations of foods chosen to celebrate this feast, head over to Haley's! She does a lovely job of sharing the history, traditions, and fun of old!

motherhood // standing

  Never had I experienced true fear or anxiety till becoming a mother. Fragile little souls wrapped in beauty pla...