I had a cold a few weeks back that shared some fever and a nasty cough. I got better and was beyond relieved it seemed to have been only I who fell sick. Since then we've stolen time outside even despite the constant rain that has been bombarding us daily, whether it be in the nuisance form of on and off sprinkling or full on thunderstorms.

These little guys come alive while outside. Sometimes with a little encouragement, some truly fun exploring happens. These little moments that make up our days are the ones I love to snap a photo of, even if with my crummy android phone camera.

The little moments that are made of love, breathing, joy, exploring, and fun are the same ones that help me embrace and get through times that bound us inside indefinitely.

My youngest has a cold now, and my oldest has mostly been acting sick to gain full access of all the snuggles, cartoons, and juice. Either way, I imagine it's only a matter of time he follows suit.
When our kids get sick it's tough to embrace. We had so many fun plans this weekend but we've had to cancel all of them thus far. But as I told my oldest who has been pretty bummed about not getting to see his uncle today after all, we are a family and we get through things together.
Together is where we are called during our highs and our lows in this season of littles and that is good. What better place to be than with each other when we aren't feeling well? With the very people who have had an otherworldly love for each other since birth or marriage in the case of my husband and I. Together. Loving each other with presence and encouragement.
We'll be up and about soon enough. But it's in times like these that it's okay to embrace our uber calm weekend that is focused on tending the very littlest of us, all the while tending to our home and one another. It's an opportunity for love and service, the very virtues that bind families in a goodness that makes us better not only for others, but for each other.
Any fun weekend plans over in your parts? Wild moments of love and exploration?
Share in the comments or link-up with Gina for Embrace the Ordinary and Aimee for These Wild Moments.