Co-hosting with the crazy-talented and super wonderful Aimee over at Wonder & Wild. I LOVE her new site, by the way! She was Aimee Lynn Photography, but has changed things up a bit, including this fun link-up!).
It's Friday and whereas before we'd be sharing our beauty finds today we will be sharing our moments based on a fun prompt for this new These Wild Moments link-up. If you have any moments of wild, be sure to link-up! Let's enjoy all the good and awesome that exists and share some wild in honor of today's theme. No wild photos, no problem, share what you have! We'd love to have you!!
I love taking pictures. I love when I remember to take pictures! And I love when I catch the moments. The little ones. I know you know which ones I'm talking about. The fleeting ones that were filled with smiles and memory and all the love. Those. Those moments are what keep me snapping and I know I will absolutely love looking through them when I'm old.
Photo-taking aside, we've been down in the dumps over here! The boys are still pretty coughtastic, I'm on the mend (definitely not in a terrible state at all, just know my back is off and I'm desperately trying to get it back to what it was a few weeks ago and what it has been for the last 5 months or so), and the rain...Lord, the rain! We have weeks, gosh, almost a month of rain over here and we're all starting to feel the crazy creeping in. So much so, that any time a little moment that is filled with fun and getting along...Gold, my friends, they are pure gold!
Now onto my bit of wild gold. The boys started popping and tossing little pom balls up into the air and thought it was the best idea they've ever had ever ever ever. I sat and watched, snapped a few, and enjoyed the laughter.
Now that I shared what fun and joy-filled looked like for a good 20 minutes, I'll share what the bummed and I'm-so-over-all-this-rain has been looking like.
Wild explorations and moments of running and jumping through tall grass and fun have not been happening at all lately but it's nice to see when these two little guys figure out ways to share some mildly wild fun inside.
Link your wild moments below! (Please link only to content that is yours. Any links not adhering to this rule will be removed.) Please visit your co-host and at least two of the links below. Thank you for participating and sharing your wild moments!
The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.