Music moves me and keeps my heart moving in a special way throughout our days. Just the way silence has its place so does sound and for that I'm so grateful for beautiful musicians who share their gifts with the world.

My boys have a number of these songs almost fully memorized because sometimes when things get crazy turning on beauty just needs to happen to keep you present, sane, and from losing your cookies.
I've been a fan of Matt Maher since forever. When his very first CD came out I was in college. The songs were so beautiful and so Catholic, it had my heart saying, This!!!, over and over again because his songs were where the passion of my faith and truth met in musical goodness. Through this ministry my family is continually blessed at the sound of all of his beautiful works! I'm so thankful the Holy Spirit has been working in him the way it has over the years; and further, I'm thankful to Matt Maher and his family for saying their Fiat to their vocation and ministry.
1. Set Me As A Seal. This song is new to me and so very beautiful. I cried the first time I heard it. It's based off of Song of Songs and took my young heart back to days spent in adoration reflecting on these very verses in His True Presence. Now that I'm a married woman, this song brought me to tears for all new reasons.
Enjoy these favorites of mine while chewing on this beautiful quote from St. Thomas Aquinas!
“Music is the exaltation of the mind derived from things eternal, bursting forth in sound.”-St. Thomas Aquinas
1. Set Me As A Seal. This song is new to me and so very beautiful. I cried the first time I heard it. It's based off of Song of Songs and took my young heart back to days spent in adoration reflecting on these very verses in His True Presence. Now that I'm a married woman, this song brought me to tears for all new reasons.
2. Lord, I Need You. A song many have heard since World Youth Day happened in Brazil. I saw the version that was recorded by Catholic TV and cried tears that were a sure sign my senses had just been overwhelmed by Beauty. It's a good one that we listen to daily in our home. A prayer that gives me perspective and makes my heart pause and turn to Him.
3. Because He Lives. Oh! This song just shares the Joy and Jubiliation of all that is good in our faith. It makes you want to sing and dance and rejoice. It's so good!
4. All The People Said Amen. I love this song because of the communal aspect. We are all the people! We are here together, meant to journey alongside one another, to our final home. Encouraging, loving, and embracing all He has for us, together. The message, the beat, the images, the fun, the gratitude, the beat, the words, the dancing, the prayer, the it!
5. Hold Us Together. I like this next song for similar reasons I enjoy song number four on this list. Togetherness. Community. We are one body in song.
BONUS: Love Has Come. This bonus song is the one that hooked me back in college. I heard this song and there was just so. much. YES! I listened to it a thousand times then and would gladly listen to it a thousand times more.
Sit back and enjoy some of this goodness! I'm so thankful for music and all the ways it shares truth and beauty for myself and our little family.
Head over to Rachel's for more five favorites!