Photo party is what I have time for today. So photo party it is!
Our Linus turned two this past weekend!!! Oh, my heart! I still can't believe my little baby is not a baby anymore. I love so much about him and am so grateful that God shared him with our little family!
Okay! Let's photo party! I'll share some tidbits here and there throughout this little (long) trip down Linus lane.
Here we are at 20 wks! Even though I was feeling pretty miserable throughout (and past) the first trimester, I was so elated that he was with us!
We had snow in Dallas! Bigfoot loved it.
Bigfoot was also so excited about the little sweet baby in my belly.
30-something weeks and was feeling pretty great!
Midway the third trimester!
Our little lovebug born in February.
He was tiny!
Happy daddy.
Doting mama. He kept looking at me. He opened his eyes so much in his first days. I kind of loved it.
This face became our new normal.
Along with this face.
And this face.
So I took a lot of pictures of him sleeping to make sure I had evidence of him sleeping or being peaceful. These times fueled me.
He did not like to be wrapped.
Oh, but when this smile started making it's appearance...heart melt!
He really didn't care for baby-wearing either so I ate up any time he did!
He loves his brother now, he loved his brother then.
And something about his little tongue. It had a way of finding its way out.
See that face?!
He had fun at his brother's birthday party, I promise!
He enjoys a good breeze and some sunshine.
Love love LOVSD his blankie. Hence, the nickname Linus.
Adores his grandparents.
Really adores his brother.
All. the. faces!
Hates traveling and his carseat with some kind of fire.
Baptized baby!
With his loving Godparents.
He was lifting himself just like this right out of my womb (not even kidding). This boy has a strength beyond his years.
And those dimples!
Dimples and tongue.
Loves the beach.
Loves his family.
Always has a way of making himself known.
Loves his uncle.
Loved meeting Sister Kathleen.
A fan of food.
Brother kisses.
Brother battles.
Mama snuggles.
Absolutely loves swinging.
Really loves his uncle gye-co too.
Enjoys hats when warranted.
Loved nursing and still does. We are down to one nurse (if that) a day. But I definitely have to turn the little guy down some. He loved it so much it was making him more on the grouchy side so we've encouraged the weaning a little. I've loved our nursing relationship and am already missing it just as I know he is. I'm so grateful we pushed through those first four months of struggle. So very glad and blessed.
Loves a good book.
Spaghetti is his favorite forever and ever. Amen.
And still laughs at hide n' seek.
Such a character!
Oozes charm. When he wants to.
Is fun.
Has the sweetest little feet and the build of his daddy.
Has never been a good napper, hence the random photos of him sleeping here or there.
Has such a creative mind. It's kind of beautiful and filled with all things childlike wonder.
Loves being chased and chasing.
LOVES animals. Especially papas goats.
Adores all things splashpads, beaches, swimming pools, baths, and water.
Loves his mama with some kind of fierce and I him.
Has the sweetest little face.
Is full of adventure.
Hasn't outgrown his dislike for carseats but being face-front has made things more tolerable for him.
Enjoys being mama's little helper in the kitchen. Especially when there is baking and he gets to sample.
Can get in a mood but we love him for it. He just wouldn't be him without them.
Especially when his moods get countered with this goodness.
Not always up for photos.
But has gotten better once we introduced the how-to of it all -
Stubborn and filled with
Loves playing with his brother.
Always trying to be a big boy.
Can share this grouchy-face at the drop of a hat. It's pretty natural, really.
Likes soccer more than baseball and basketball more than football. It just is.
Likes being thrown in the air.
Loves horses! He really was more thrilled than he looks.
Linus is a little artist. This is one of the truest and loveliest things that is him. It's fun to watch.
Has the best smile.
He's a quick-learner...
who has a love for exploring...
...and for his daddy and family.
This grouchy-face is awesome.
His determination will serve him well in adulthood as will his ability for wonder and creativity.
We've done a lot of celebrating of this sweet little face even despite the recent
mystery fever that knocked us on our rears. Many thanks to grandparents that were able to visit, support, prayers, and love from friends and family, as well as the love that myself and GeekMan have for this amazing boy, we were able to make this second birthday pretty special filled with all the little things.
IF you made it through this little memory lane, I congratulate you! If you didn't. I understand because it's a lot of photos.
But for me, these photos fill my heart with all the warm feelings and memories that I am so grateful for. These past years have been good. We've had our ups and downs, sweet Linus, but we've also had more love than I could have ever imagined.
Thank you for all that you are. Mama loves you more than she'll ever be able to put in words. <3>