Praying: Praying for grace for the rest of our day. Praying I be able to embrace our time together all the while encouraging imagination and all the things childhoods are made of. Praying we laugh and smile together. And, praying for all intentions I have on my heart for friends and family near and far.
The boys: They have slept in the same room for a full week! Oh glorious days of having our bed back! I've woken before the house awakens a number of times throughout this week and it's been wonderful. I find it much easier to wake earlier when I don't have a nursing toddler waking me throughout the night and getting that oxytocin going that puts me right back to deep sleep. Times are a-changing over here!
Back to the boys! I really think they're loving staying in the same room! I'm just loving where this is going and thankful it hasn't been too crazy!
Thinking: I'm thinking about how the boys being the ages they are is bittersweet for my mama heart. Prior to injuring my back, we were excited and wanting to God-willingly welcome another sweet soul into our family. But then my back injury definitely put all of that on hold. As the months pass, my boys grow older. Together. They are good and beautiful as much as the seed that has been planted in my heart for another sweet child.
I want a sibling for them both. They ask for a sibling in their own little ways too. It warms me to no end knowing that they'd be the sweetest of sweet older brothers, but it pains me a little knowing that I really don't know when we'll be able to share such a gift with them.
I'm trying to trust in Him best I can. I'm trying to be present as much as possible and not yearn for what may or may not be.
God has asked me to be here. Where I am. This is where my joy should reside. Finding the balance of being present while nourishing a sweet seed of desire with prayer is tricky but I'm trying. And, that's what He asks of me. To try. And to share joy all the while.
Joy in the sacrament of my present moment is my prayer and my effort. Thank goodness these boys help make it easy! Most of the time that is. The rest of the time, lots of coffee, a rosary, muttered prayers for help, and an attitude check are always useful.
Thankful: Still so thankful for that sweet nomination for a Sheenazing Award and thankful for the intercession and wisdom of the Venerable Fulton J. Sheen. Bonnie has done an amazing job sharing his goodness and awesomeness! This time of year is such a great time I will look forward to with new excitement!
A favorite quote from the Venerable himself:
To value only what can be "sold" is to defile what is truly precious. The innocent joy of childhood, the devotedness of a wife, the self sacrificing service of a daughter--none of these have an earthly market. To reduce everything to the dirty scales of economic values is to forget that some gifts, like Mary's, are so precious that the heart that offers them will be praised as long as time endures.―Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. SheenThank you Bonnie for everything you do and for how incredibly incredible you have been to my little space on the web! Seriously. I heart you so very much and pray our paths cross again. Preferably with a dozen or more of those famous cookies of yours!
So on that note, go check out all the winners, runner-ups, and honorable mentions!
Capturing: The weather has been a little up and down here in Dallas (Typical cold-weather month for here). This weekend was on the warmer side so we took advantage.
These boys love the sunshine. They love sports and running. They love their daddy and chasing mommy. Always looking for affirmations and awe when they do little things well.
Since Blessed is She's #projectblessed prompt on Instagram was sunset I thought I'd take advantage of the fun we were having during our race against the setting sun and link it up with Aimee for my beauty find.

Happy Monday, y'all! Praying we all have good week filled with embracing His Grace and Will with love and peace.