The boys. Oh, my sweet boys. We had been doing so well in the health department prior to the holidays. Then I ran out of bone broth. Ran out of their probiotics. And, ran out of their elderberry. I thought, surely, no biggie. Right? We've managed to skid by random exposures of sickies no problemo up to this point, right?
But, such is life that in the week and a half they were off all the goods, they would catch a sneaky virus that was strange and sneaky.
I wrote about how the later part of Advent was tough, but at the end of it all, we did have safe travels to all of our destinations, thanks be to God! Major win and reason for gratitude.
The virus slipped by Linus after 24 hours. He was just fine and stayed fine. A day later, Bigfoot caught the virus and struggled. Poor baby. He did however seem just fine the next day too, so we were hopeful that we could possible still make our way to San Antonio and mostly stick to our Holiday travel plans.
But poor boy woke up sharing his food with the bed, floor, clothes, and toilet. Eventually he didgo back to sleep and acted completely normal but we held back and altered travel plans, afterall.
Come Monday morning, all was well and we were packed. Off I go to take my shower, only to step off our step and have my knee-cap completely dislocate in a way it hasn't done since my sophomore year of college.
...Really knee?!! Of. all. the. times. After my back is getting mostly back to normal? Now? ...Not cool.
Anyways, it swelled, I iced and took some medication. We were leaving no matter how many things kept popping up.
We traveled well. I rested and the boys did considerably well considering it's a good 6.5-7 hour drive to Corpus (on a good day for us).
We saw our family and these are seven photos I captured from our first day at my in-laws.

As much as we had a rough end to our Advent, Our Sweet Lord was still born and I'm thankful that never changes. Also, I got to talk to Sister Kathleen on Christmas Day which was such a gift. As always.
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Here's a glimpse of Christmas Eve morning. I love the light and comfort of this one.

Linking-up with Kelly for Quick-takes. It's been forever! Hopefully I'll get back into the swing of enjoying my little space more as the year continues. Till that time, I'll be here helping the boys settle back into our home post weeks of travel, and drinking lots of coffee!