Aimee over at This Darling Day challenged me to a Black and White Photo Challenge on Instagram. Since I feel like indoor photos, night time photos, and black and whites are my struggle, I welcomed this challenge with open arms. Read: must practice more!
Top Right // Linus at the Nature and Science Museum.
Middle Left // Linus imitating his brother with a random little stretchy bunny. Hop. Hop! HOP!
Middle Right // Me sneaking in some Mama-time during nap-time. Coffee, book, and snuggly fluffy.
Bottom // Resting after having my (hopefully) last procedure done on my herniated disc.
How do you get your black and photos communicate nostalgia, beauty, and all things story-telling? I'm open to any and all tips! Is it more about catching stellar light? Contrasts?
Also, go check out Aimee's black and white photos. So beautiful! Also, linking-up with the wonderful Kathryn from Team Whitaker for Week in my Life 2014.