Snack time happens every day. Twice a day. These boys. They eat. A. Lot.
On the one hand, this is great. Growing and healthy little men is always a good thing, right? They sit together. They snack together. They share whatever it is I've given them and fill their little boy bellies.
This time is normally when I'm able to get a task done. Whether it be laundry, dishes, wipe down the table, practice my mamatography, or blogging, I'm able to get something done. It's normally a great time for all. Rarely do we have a spat. Snack time just works around here and there's beauty in that.
There's beauty in that because I know I'm going to miss it. Let me explain.
I'm going to miss these little snacking eyes with their sweet little dimples.
I'm going to miss their little hands and their little signs. More pweese, Mamaaa.
There's been this fun new little game of show me _____ face. The one that cracks me up and couldn't share their personalities more is Show me your grouchy face. Bigfoot (above) can't make a grouchy face to save his life! While you have Linus (below) who is such a natural. This grouchy face of Linuses' cracks. me. up! Every time!
And, I'm going to miss the boy who made me mama. This boy. This 3 year old. He fills me. He brings me flowers. He loves his friends and family. Aside from our normal (Right?), bits of defiant behavior, he really doesn't have a mean bone in him.
These boys. They bring beauty to my days even during our ordinary snack time.
When we see a beautiful object, a beautiful garden, or a beautiful flower, let us think that there we behold a ray of the infinite beauty of God, who has given existence to that object.
-St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori
Thanks for staying awhile. What bits of beauty have you encountered today?
Linking-up with a few today. Starting with Jen, for quick-takes. Head here for more quick fun. Gina is next, with Embrace the Ordinary! Head over here to see more lovely ordinary. And, with Aimee for Beauty Find Friday! Click here to go see some more beauty.