I was so excited to celebrate Michaelmas this year - the Feast of Michael the Archangel as well as all Archangels (Will do a better job next year on highlighting all the others we know and sharing their story!). It's a beautiful feast and a beautiful time in the year to feast.
We've been talking to the boys about angels, both Archangels and Guardian angels, lately. My oldest has been getting into the habit of leaving his room often at night and we thought we'd share more about the beauty and gift of angels. he loves knowing there are angels caring for him at all times and it's a good reminder for us to be more mindful of this gift! So, in turn, this time in our life played beautifully with Michaelmas.
I'll be sharing how we started and ended our day, as well as how we feasted.
In the morning during a simple breakfast we read about St. Michael the Archangel as well as a few other angel book favorites. Right now, deciphering between Archangel and Guardian angels, and how angels helped St. Pascual, etc. may be a little over my 3 year old and 1 year olds' heads. Regardless, I could tell my oldest loved talking about all things angels which was such a delight to me.

We also did this Angel Wings craft, which they enjoyed too - especially the end product.

Crockpot Roasted Chicken


So many thanks to The Pioneer Woman! She is so wonderful! Her recipes always delicious and seemingly do-able. The boys loved this five-ingredient cobbler. Their favorite part was dropping the blackberries into the mix. They were so excited!
Unfortunately, my cobbler didn't cobble as I'd hope. While mixing the ingredients I rush read instructions and didn't separate the 1/4 cup of sugar from the 1 cup. I added the two and poured it all in. Oops! So, then I added a little more sugar and a little more flour annddd a little more rice milk.

Like I said, the ingredients were only five! Per usual, I used rice milk instead of cow's milk and ended up making my own self-rising flour (add salt and baking powder), since I haven't bought that in awhile. In all, it was a great feast.
Back to our turn of events, earlier in the day, my husband got in touch with me to let me know that his work softball team needed a sub and wanted to join. I jumped at the opportunity because I knew the boys would just dieee if they saw their daddy playing ball - and OH, how they loved. every. single. bit of it!

We got home, got the little sweaty ones bathed, and said our prayers. To close we prayed the St. Michael prayer as well as our little prayer nod to our Guardian angel. It was beautiful and sweet. We all thanked our angels for all they do and were off to bed.
Also, on a sweet note, my husband back when he was my boyfriend, had my engagement ring made. It was the most beautiful ring I had ever seen and so much more than I could have ever dreamed of. Upon soaking up it's beauty the day I said Yes to him, he shared the story and reason of the shape and words of my ring. All so very beautiful (Perhaps another post all-together?), but the part that sings with this feast day in particular is the fact that he engraved Serviam on the inside of my band as well as had his birthstone placed inside it. These were signs of his promise to me. The promise he was making to me when we got engaged and the promise we vowed to live out all the days of our lives upon saying I do to each other.

It was a beautiful day that spilled into celebrating the Feast of the Archangels, Guardian Angels on October 2, and a vow to love and serve Him as St. Michael did so beautifully and courageously. Our crafts, prayers, and books were perfect to enjoy. The boys loved it, learned more about their faith, and helped me orient myself to the beauty and goodness our faith has to offer.
Thankful for these feast days. Thankful for a family to celebrate it with. And, thankful, so very thankful for our angels and all they do. Their service is a gift that I know encourages me and my sometimes weary self.