Hi there! I'm sharing five ways on how I keep hosting simple and fun (for me) on those days that you just need to keep hosting easy!

First up, my apron! After reading this post from Like Mother, Like Daughter, I decided to be more intentional about sporting this lovely apron my husband got for me way back when.
The lovely Leila shared about how there's something transforming about wearing an apron. After the first few times I wore it while in the kitchen, I fell in love and was kicking myself for not wearing it all times prior! I feel so domestically successful while wearing it, even if my domesticity ends up not being a success.
Non-successes don't affect me because I was wearing my apron. And, that to me is winning! My little visual representation of success is always a good way to start off a hosting day.

I love it!
You may be asking why the apron helps keep hosting simple? Well, I don't have to change after I finish up setting everything out! After getting all the foods on your serving table (and/or cooking all the foods!), company is normally arriving and the last thing I ever want to do is leave because I have to change my food-ridden, sopping wet, stinky clothes! Aprons keep hosting a little easier and keep me a little more present.
Next up, simple salad, fruit, and veggies. These fillers are awesome and perfect and easy-peasy for keeping hosting simple. I always set out one salad (During hectic seasons, I buy the pre-made ones.). Carrots and tomatoes or broccoli and cauliflower with some ranch dressing is also always a must.
These are all fillers that I normally have in our fridge and are easy to set out. The fruit is also something I normally have on hand and also so easy to set out. I love all of these because they fill bellies, are easy on our budget, and takes a good 10 minutes to put out - tops!

Also, no matter what I'm serving as a main course, I always make chicken nuggets for the kids. You can never go wrong with nuggets or any sort of frozen kiddie to-do. Pop it in the oven 15-20 minutes before guests are to arrive and you have a little something for any and all kids.

But, the alternative to baking if it's not your thing, is while you're picking up your pizza or other main meal of pick-up-choice, swing buy and pick up some cookies from your nearby bakery. Cookies are as simple as you can get and always a hit!

Last favorite way to keep hosting simple is easy clean-up! Always be sure to use dishes that can fit in your dishwasher. Anything else that you are using, make sure they can be thrown away: paper plates, plastic silverware, and napkins.
Also, we normally keep the drink options simple. If you come to our home you are more than likely to be greeted with a nice ice-filled cup o' water. We're kind of lame like that, but it's easy clean-up (you don't have to worry about kids spilling it anywhere. Because, water.) and it makes serving your guests efficient and easy to upkeep. Also, water is just good for everyone so we're really doing our guests a favor, right? Haha, I'm sure some of our guests would beg to differ, but I appreciate them obliging us and our typically limited drink option.

There you have it friends! These are my five favorite hosting hacks that keep our busy weeks or seasons much more manageable.
How do you keep hosting simple? Certain recipes? Certain foods? I'd love to hear about them!