Never got around to sharing the few photos I took over the weekend while at Edel. I wish I took more pictures with people and moments, but this photo party shares a bit of my little story.
My Crazy shoes that I wore for Cocktail and Crazy shoe night. |
Leaving DFW. Oh, how I really dislike HWY 35. There are no words for how horrid it can be. |
This cutie was excited Lily was along for our travels. |
And, Lily is always excited to have someone to snuggle up to. |
This boy hates to travel. I mean, he really really really dislikes it. Two hours and forty-five minutes in and he called it quits. The last forty-five minutes were rough. No thank you, Austin traffic. No thank you very much! |
I took a selfie because I really was so excited to finally be out of the car and in Austin! |
Love downtown Austin. Such a sight! |
My weekend really was filled with way more relaxation time than I'm used to. This was definitely a major favorite of mine. My little introvert heart basked in the alone time. And, the part of me that loves to linger and do things slowly and diligently, absolutely loved not being rushed to do anything. |
All dolled up for Friday night. Red nails. They make me feel fancy. |
Ahhhh. *happy sigh* Ordered room service on Saturday morning after my husband and in-laws took the boys to a park and off for a train ride. I loved Saturday morning. I mean, really loved it. |
After registration and Marion's beautiful talk I bought this beautiful bracelet from On This Day Designs. I love it! And loved shopping around at all the vendors mixed with a massage and getting my make-up done. I'm telling you, Edel was uh-mazing! |
Everything about this evening was wonderful. Dinner was delicious! Margaritas were just right. Words were oh-so-encouraging for my mama heart. And, the music and dancing and smiling faces were good for my soul. |
I love Cassie, and absolutely loved getting to catch up with her and spend time with her. Such a gift! You are missed up here in the DFW, Cass! |
Sunday morning could not have been more wonderful. I loved Mass at the cathedral. I wish I could go here daily! How amazing? Such a beautiful gem Austin city has! Even though Linus was not having the easiest of times (Mass time meet Linuses' lunch/naptime.) I loved everything about Mass that morning. The readings. The hymns. Just perfect! |
And, back home. We made it back in one piece - mostly. My little cathedrals got straight to work, as you can see, and I couldn't help but laugh. What we do is tough, but I'm so glad to know that there are so many wonderful women I am walking alongside with through this journey called motherhood. |
Venerable Edel Quinn, pray for us.