We have that. And, it's amazing.
Uncle A and his ...wait for it... FIANCE! came to visit for the weekend and lots of love and fun was had. We're so grateful for any time we get to spend with them. We love them both so much and our boys just light up when they see them. It's great. It's a gift. It's kind of beautiful.
Fun was had while we were at home and also when we went to our favorite local brewery. Thankfully I was able to snap a few shots to capture some sweet memories.
These two are pretty and so is the love they have for each other. We're so excited that they are engaged to marry and can't wait to celebrate!

And, selfishly, I'm excited for another sister-in-law! Rebekah is beautiful inside and out (A little cheesy, but true!). Her soul is sweet and filled with love for Uncle A and her family and I'll soon be able to call her sister!
Another pretty moment is Bigfoot giving me a flower. Like I mentioned before he's been giving me these more often and I am loving it!

He'll go on a little hunt when we're outside and find random little flowers for me. It's the sweetest!

His little hand is pretty sweet too. Love everything about them.
Bigfoot is happiest when swinging.

We swing everyday, and often.

Also happy, was going to our favorite brewery to share good beer and conversation with family.

This guy is always happy when there's good beer to be had. And, even happier when he gets to share good beer with family.

Haha, I thought Uncle A looked funny in this picture. Love you, Aaron!

He also that it'd be fun to encourage our little guy to be a T-sip for a few moments.

At least, until my little Aggie decided it was bad bull to do anything Longhorn related.

And, I kind of love all things about the picture below. Something about it makes me want to snicker, but it also pulls on my heart strings. Either way, I love it and filed it under funny.

Like I said before, lots of love was had.

My boys love their Uncle A and Rebekah so much.

All the things that good weekends are made of were had. And, we're grateful.

Also, glad we were able to have another fun time at one of our favorite breweries. Thank you, Lakewood!

And, thank you Uncle A and Rebekah for spending the weekend with us! We love you all more than you'll ever know and are so very excited for you both! Prayers during this beautiful time!