Well, here I am on a Friday night sitting on my couch. The pup snuggled up to me, my youngest sleeping, and I'm pretty sure my oldest is asleep even though my husband is not out here with me. This little truth can only mean that dada has fallen asleep with the toddler. It's sweet. And, indicative of how our week has been.
My husband has had a deadline approaching. The deadline that was this past Wednesday has carried on to today because sometimes, things just come up. As much as I love his work and love him for doing it and love even moreso that he really enjoys the work he does, deadline hours can be tough.
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Haha. He just walked out with the yes-I-fell-asleep face.
Fair enough. I know he's tired. We're both tired. This deadline really wore us both out this time around. But, with lots of grace and prayers, I'm so glad we've made it through. The boys did so well on the really late nights. They did well during the day while playing outside. They even did well by not completely wrecking the house while inside.
I'd say that's a major win. Major.
Ok, so I tried posting this last Friday. The crazy just kept on being crazy. Amidst crazy, blogging was left on the shelf. I kept walking past it wanting to engage so many times, but time and the children were just not having it. So, these quicktakes are being finished a week later, because that's just what crazy does to my blog.
Where were we? Ah yes, major wins.
You know what else is a major win? I have two dear friends who just had babies. Sweet, soft, and wrinkled cuties! Both mamas did amazing throughout labor and delivery and I could not be more happy for their beautiful families.
You know what else is a major win? I have two dear friends who just had babies. Sweet, soft, and wrinkled cuties! Both mamas did amazing throughout labor and delivery and I could not be more happy for their beautiful families.
So, if you all would join me in praying for Jorja and Katey, their families, and their sweet new bundles of joy, that'd be great! Pray that these next few months of great joys and painful exhaustion be filled with grace. The kind of grace that makes them feel held throughout the night while they are holding their newest gifts from Above.
And, if you could pray for Courtney, Adrienne, and Jess, who are all hoping to deliver within a months time.
Thank you!
We also have more babies that are getting ready to meet this world, which I love! I love seeing how these beautiful mothers embrace their vocation and dignity with such grace and prayer. It's encouraging. Uplifting. Hopeful. Exciting. And, I'm thankful.
Speaking of new mamas. Do you all ever use CareCalendar? It's such a great way to help a family out once their new little bundle decides to join the party. It's a free online calendar that helps friends of families with new littles plan to bring them meals and to meet the newest addition. You just go online to your friends calender and schedule a time to bring them a meal based on their need.
I had never heard of this till my first. A friend of mine made a calendar for me, and because I ended up having a cesarean and did not freeze meals in advance, I was so incredibly grateful and definitely in need of that extra help. As much as the food was so very helpful to our family, I think I loved getting to see my friends most and letting them meet our boys (I had another calendar for when Linus was born). In that I had cesareans, I'm technically not supposed to drive for 6-8 weeks (I don't remember exactly). Either way, it's nice that friends come to me since I can't come to them.
So, if you have any expecting mamas you should definitely check out this little website. It is such a blessing!
I had never heard of this till my first. A friend of mine made a calendar for me, and because I ended up having a cesarean and did not freeze meals in advance, I was so incredibly grateful and definitely in need of that extra help. As much as the food was so very helpful to our family, I think I loved getting to see my friends most and letting them meet our boys (I had another calendar for when Linus was born). In that I had cesareans, I'm technically not supposed to drive for 6-8 weeks (I don't remember exactly). Either way, it's nice that friends come to me since I can't come to them.
So, if you have any expecting mamas you should definitely check out this little website. It is such a blessing!
Haha, okay, we have had another intermission. Do quicktakes have intermissions? Anyways, I'm hoping to finish these and get them linked up!
ONWARD, once more!
I'm sleepy. Ha! Yes, the craziness has me talking about sleep, again. That's just how it is, right? When things get crazy busy all you think about is sleep. Especially when the littles aren't sleeping which means you really really aren't sleeping.
Linus decided that he has zero pain tolerance and the poor baby is cutting some incisors as well as his molars. I see them. There. Under his gummy skin and just looking at them makes me sleepy. Because after the 3.5 hour cry party he pulled two nights ago, my eyes can't help but anticipate increased depth in the dark circles beneath.
I'm happy to report we survived the night. The next morning, I got Linus to the doctor to say my son is crazy and cries like nothing I knew possible, for the doctor to check him and look at me with the I'm-so-sorry-but-I-think-it's-*just*-teething face.
On the one hand, I'm so glad that nothing is wrong. On the other hand, I'm like, come onnn Linus, surely you can tolerate pain a smidge better than that insane display in the middle of the night, last night???
Linus decided that he has zero pain tolerance and the poor baby is cutting some incisors as well as his molars. I see them. There. Under his gummy skin and just looking at them makes me sleepy. Because after the 3.5 hour cry party he pulled two nights ago, my eyes can't help but anticipate increased depth in the dark circles beneath.
I'm happy to report we survived the night. The next morning, I got Linus to the doctor to say my son is crazy and cries like nothing I knew possible, for the doctor to check him and look at me with the I'm-so-sorry-but-I-think-it's-*just*-teething face.
On the one hand, I'm so glad that nothing is wrong. On the other hand, I'm like, come onnn Linus, surely you can tolerate pain a smidge better than that insane display in the middle of the night, last night???
And, since we're on the topic of selfish me and my obsession with sleep while I'm sleep-deprived caring for my beautiful babies, Bigfoot caught a virus.
What??? Really?
When do these things happen? Poor baby has had fever since yesterday and isn't shaking it. He hasn't been much for food and has been a little on the low energy side.
I'm not sure how providence decided all this would be a good idea. But, here we are. Husband still pulling late hours. Both boys struggling in one way or another. And, then there's me. Trying to keep it together.
By the grace of God, I am holding it together. By the sweetest grace of God. And, His Angels. And, prayers from those Above and present. There have been lots of prayers. And, Mama Mary. Sweetest of sweet, Mamas. Her precious prayers have been holding me, I know.
Also, this song has been helpful.
And, I'm grateful.
--- 7 ---
What??? Really?
When do these things happen? Poor baby has had fever since yesterday and isn't shaking it. He hasn't been much for food and has been a little on the low energy side.
I'm not sure how providence decided all this would be a good idea. But, here we are. Husband still pulling late hours. Both boys struggling in one way or another. And, then there's me. Trying to keep it together.
By the grace of God, I am holding it together. By the sweetest grace of God. And, His Angels. And, prayers from those Above and present. There have been lots of prayers. And, Mama Mary. Sweetest of sweet, Mamas. Her precious prayers have been holding me, I know.
Also, this song has been helpful.
And, I'm grateful.
--- 7 ---
Now, I'm here. I made it to quick-take numero 7! Thank goodness. It only took two whole weeks! It's Friday, my parents just drove in for the weekend (*insert happy heart dance*), my husband is home and resting, both boys are presently napping (neither have fever anymore and I'm praying it stays that way!), and I'm here, sitting, snacking, and sharing.
Sweet times are just around the corner and I'm excited. I love having family in town and this is the first time my dad has seen our new home. The boys are excited. We are excited! We're hoping for no viruses, some pool time, play time, lots and lots of family time, relaxation, smiles, laughter, hugs, and goodness.
I'll leave you with some fun pictures I caught the other day at the park.
Thanks for stopping by!
Sweet times are just around the corner and I'm excited. I love having family in town and this is the first time my dad has seen our new home. The boys are excited. We are excited! We're hoping for no viruses, some pool time, play time, lots and lots of family time, relaxation, smiles, laughter, hugs, and goodness.
I'll leave you with some fun pictures I caught the other day at the park.

Thanks for stopping by!
For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!