Five Favorites Wednesday! Woohoo!
I'll be sharing some recent Bible Study hosting yummies! Enjoy!
1. Lactose-free Most Delicious Cake Ever EvEr EVER!
It seems that this season of life and kiddos, a lot of our bible study families have one or a few people needing to get on the dairy-free bandwagon. So, because of this, a mama friend did a little substituting on a Better Homes recipe to create this amazing cake! Friends, I kid you not, it is uh-mazing! Honestly, I would have made this my wedding cake had I met it before that bliss-filled day.

Frosting recipe
1 cup shortening
1.5 teaspoon vanilla
0.5 teaspoon almond extract
4.5 cups sifted powdered sugar
3 to 4 tablespoons vanilla almond milk
In a medium mixing bowl beat shortening, vanilla and almond extracts with an electric mixer on medium speed for 30 seconds. Slowly add half the sugar, beating well. Add 2 table spoons of almond milk. Gradually beat in the remaining sugar and enough remaining milk to reach spreading consistency.
Cake recipe
2 eggs
2.25 cups of flour
1.5 cups of sugar
1.5 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
0.5 teaspoon salt
3 mashed bananas
0.75 cup vanilla almond milk
0.5 cup shortening
1 teaspoon vanilla
Combine all the dry ingredients then beat the remaining ingredients. Beat for 2 minutes. Bake at 350°F for 25 to 30 minutes.
Morgan, my friend, you are a genius!
(Also, sliced/diced strawberries were put in the center and top of cake. I decided this is a must!)
2. Crock-pot Apricot Soy Chicken over Rice
This was served at the most recent bible study we hosted. Crock-pot is beginning to be a close friend of mine ever since Britt introduced me to crock-pot liners that make crock-pot cleaning that much less of a terrible task. So, with that, I was wanting something Asian-y. Really, what I wanted was a reason to buy and eat edamame. I found this recipe on Pinterest and did a few substituting/adding of my own.
Recipe looked like this:
2 tsp cumin
1 sliced onion
2 tbsps Soy
2 tsp garlic
Cooked on high for 4 hours or until chicken is tender and shred-able.
Meanwhile, I made some yummy Texas Best Organic Brown Jasmine Rice to serve it over along with edamame. (Will be buyin this rice again! It's awesome!)
I enjoyed this dish and am excited to make it again soon!
3. Crock-pot Pulled Bar-b-que Chicken on Hawaiian bread
Another Pinterest find that has quickly become a hosting/family favorite.
1 bottle of your choice of BBQ sauce
1/2 coke
1/2 cup brown sugar
Cook on HIGH for 4 hours. Shred, put over some of those incredibly delicious Hawaiian rolls, and TADA! Taste-bud par-tay! Thanks to Nikki at Living Life of Riley!
4. Crownies!
They are all things wonderful in the world of dessert and all the more not-so-wonderful for all things health. Regardless of the later, these are a must at least once or twice in your lifetime...year, maybe?...or every few months. No judgement here!
You're probably wondering what the craze is all about. Well let me tell you!
chocolate chip cookie + oreo center + fudge brownie = Crownie
Yes, friends. These are all your happy time desserts all in one! Exciting times we live in here! So, go check out Britt who posted these beauties on her blog. She found them from Kaitlyn at Wifessionals. Thank you, Britt and Kaitlyn!
You're probably wondering what the craze is all about. Well let me tell you!
chocolate chip cookie + oreo center + fudge brownie = Crownie
Yes, friends. These are all your happy time desserts all in one! Exciting times we live in here! So, go check out Britt who posted these beauties on her blog. She found them from Kaitlyn at Wifessionals. Thank you, Britt and Kaitlyn!
5. Balsamic Shredded Beef & Crash Hot Potatoes
Okay, last but not least, we have this little combo that I am serving up tonight (haven't served it for Bible Study yet - although I did bring over the potatoes for a bible study birthday, which is where I first found the recipe)! Not sure if you saw this post where I was excited about Crock-pot Balsamic Chicken, but this is what triggered my curiosity of all things balsamic and more things crock-pot.
I have yet to be disappointed! I found this Crock-pot Balsamic Shredded Beef recipe that turned out to be pretty great! We had it on Monday and are having it again tonight! Thank you Aimee at Shugary Sweets!
Now, the next thing is something that I heart! These potatoes are the best ever! Pretty sure we will be having potatoes this way forever and ever. Amen! They are that yummy! It's only natural that they'd be from the genius that is The Pioneer Woman.
I''m telling you, please make these! If you ever have potatoes around, do this! Toddler approved. Husband approved. Friend and family approved! The Pioneer Woman approved! Need I say more?
Alright, these are my Five Favorites! Go check out Hallie for more fun favorites!
Okay, last but not least, we have this little combo that I am serving up tonight (haven't served it for Bible Study yet - although I did bring over the potatoes for a bible study birthday, which is where I first found the recipe)! Not sure if you saw this post where I was excited about Crock-pot Balsamic Chicken, but this is what triggered my curiosity of all things balsamic and more things crock-pot.
I have yet to be disappointed! I found this Crock-pot Balsamic Shredded Beef recipe that turned out to be pretty great! We had it on Monday and are having it again tonight! Thank you Aimee at Shugary Sweets!
I''m telling you, please make these! If you ever have potatoes around, do this! Toddler approved. Husband approved. Friend and family approved! The Pioneer Woman approved! Need I say more?
Alright, these are my Five Favorites! Go check out Hallie for more fun favorites!