We had a crazy busy graduation weekend back in May. Yes, I said May. As life would have it, this is the weekend that began the non-stop series of life happenings that have kept me from updating. So, for the sake of keeping up with all our fun times and memories, I'm backtracking - majorly!
Uncle A graduated from UT! We couldn't be more proud of him! He has always excelled amazingly academically and this milestone has demonstrated nothing short of the amazingness that is GeekMan's brother. We had such a great time and were glad that we could be there to celebrate his accomplishment.
*On a quick side note, but something I want to remember, this weekend was when I started having my first signs of pregnancy with our Sweet P. The nausea was setting in as well as some fatigue. I attributed it all to all the traveling we were doing, but I did have my suspicions.* :)
Below, you can see Seph enjoyed himself too! He had his first ride on an escalator and loved it!

Below is Uncle A and his beautiful girlfriend taking in the moment.

Proud parents.

Proud brother, sis-in-law (me), and nephew.

The afternoon after the Friday night graduation, we all had a lunch to celebrate Uncle A. It was so great to so much family!! A good majority of Aunts, Uncles, and cousins from the valley made their way to show support and pride in Uncle A. Lots of fun stories were shared and beautiful words on the journey that Uncle A has taken thus far. It was a great time filled with love, laughter, joy, and family!

Family pic!

Seph with Grandpa Wooley.

My love and his brother.

Seph enjoying Uncle Mario. They had some fun times together that day. Fun times that involved ice cold water and cups.

Seph and sweet Allison were having a great time together. They were all about sharing blueberries and smiles.

Very soon after the lunch celebration came to a close we made the trip from Austin, TX to Lubbock, TX. Yes, we were not just celebrating one brother's graduation, but two! My brother was graduating from PT school through Texas Tech. Which means, we had a lot of driving to do in a short time. Fortunately, my brothers main ceremony was on Sunday afternoon allowing us to get our travel on on Saturday after lunch.

We came across tons of wind farms. Or perhaps, just a few wind farms that stretched out over vast amounts of land in West Texas. Either way, they were quite the site, and my lovely Geeky husband was beyond excited about this part of our excursion.

Our time celebrating Uncle A was quick but so wonderful. We were grateful that we were able to share this amazing milestone with him and we could not be more excited for all that is to come for such a great guy!
We love you Uncle A!!!