Happy Easter from our little family to yours!

Uncle Godfather came over on Saturday to come celebrate. We loved every moment. Living in the same area is seriously such a gift!

Seph was such a great baby throughout Easter Triduum. He was such a sweetheart at every Mass we went to. He brought so many smiles to so many people. Smiles were had by Uncle Godfather, his grandparents over FaceTime, persons who sat near us during Mass, people at restaurants, and of course, by us.
He also had a busy Triddum. Not only was he sharing smiles like none-other, but he was also sharing his most adorable baby giggle, his mad eating skills, his spontaneous bursts of excitement, his new found clapping ability, hello's and good-bye's, his sweet sleepy snuggles, and his keen pointing ability (as seen below). The boy loves working out his pointer finger. He points at things he wants, random things he sees, foods he's interested in, things that make noise, people that are near us, people that are far from us, cars, the sky, Lily, phones, toys...you get the point, he points at everything under the sun that his sweet little eyes land on. Fun stuff!
My sweet Bigfoot and I snuck in a picture before going in to Mass. Woohoo!
Seph overwhelmed with gratitude for bringing him to Sauced for Easter lupper. The gratitude flowed from our content selves as well. Sauced was quite the indulgence, that's for sure!

Our little family after the beautiful Easter Vigil. I think we held up pretty well. And, definitely well worth it!

How was your Easter?