Well, this past month has been just as exciting as the rest. You, my sweetheart, are such a Joy! You make us smile so many times every single day, and for that we are so incredibly grateful. We just pray that we are serving you as much as you already serve us in your abundant giving of your precious little self.
Here goes the list of your amazingness this past month:
-at your 4 month Dr. appt you weighed in at 18 lb and 10 oz!! My my Bigfoot, you live up to your name more and more as each day passes.
-also, you have grown a whole other 2 inches since you’re 2 month appt. You are now a grand total of 26 inches of hug-able goodness!
-You were baptized!! Such an amazing day for our family!! Baptizing our firstborn has definitely been the next exciting moment in our lives next to your actual birthday. We love you so much! Welcome to the Faith, my sweet boy!

-You continue to be so alert. Always taking in life and all its beauty.
-You grab at objects now and love putting everything in your mouth.
-bath times are so soothing for you. I think it’s a favorite for you :)
-you were given your first Rosary (Thanks, Mad!). The moment you saw it you started squealing and we’re so happy! Mama Mary, pray for us.

-you love to squeal! In fact, I think that is an understatement, because when you get to squealing, it’s like your heart just lights up! You are definitely having a fun time discovering your vocals and so are we :) haha
-You have a jumperooooo! Grandmpa and Nana bought this for you and you absolutely love it!

-You and I have been working on our ASL skills! can’t wait till you sign your first sign on your own! :D
-You’ve also been enjoying Mama signing songs to you :) You like watching my hands move :D

-haha and you really find it amusing when Daddy or I dance and sing in front of you
-You are reallly enjoying Itsy Bitsy Spider. You immediately start to smile the moment I start saying Itsy!
-You interact with your Einstein gym in a whole new way now that you are grabbing and turning over. it’s fun to watch.

-You are always trying to sit up on your own. Such a big boy! Patient, my sweet one, that fun milestone will come soon enough!!
-You were such a champ when getting your shots this time around at your 4 month! Such a strong boy!

-You continue to enjoy watching a good Aggie game with your Daddy!

-we’ve been going on walks more often now that the weather has cooled down. You love being outside! You always get so calm and you look so intrigued :) look forward to more outdoor adventures.
-you are so ticklish!
-Watching the Cowboys is another pasttime you are enjoying with Daddy and with Grandpa Wooly in the picture below!

-I’ve been sporting you as attire more often lately. You like our Ergo Carrier and our ring sling :) fun stuff and gives mommy two free hands while holding you!
-you always greet mommy and daddy with a smile when you wake up from naps or from nighttime sleep

-speaking of sleep, you area a champ at night now. You sleep anywhere from 7-9 hours pretty consistently
-you love rolling over to your tummy and hanging out there for awhile now. You have yet to figure out how to roll back to your back which can get a little frustrating sometimes…in time, sweetheart, you’ll be a fully functioning roly poly.

-Daddy got a new job and we are all so excited about this! God is so good and taking care of our little family in such a loving way :)
-Uncle Godfather is in Houston now doing his second rotation, but he’ll be back in our neck of the woods come this spring! :)

-you’ve gotten a lot of hang out time with mommy and daddy’s dear friends, Peter & Lauren :)
-We continue to enjoy Family Grill Fridays :D
-You love watching all the kids at Bible Study. Can’t wait till you can start interacting with the other little ones that are just a few months older than you :)
-you like chomping on your little fingers - but hey, let’s be honest I like chomping on them and your little toesies too :D

-you are a big fan of being flown around like superman or parachuting down to the ground like a skydiver. maybe you and I will get to enjoy some roller coasters some day (since daddy isn’t a fan of them) ;)

Son, you are wonderful in every way. We love you more with each breath you take, and could not be more thankful to Our Lord for sharing such a precious miracle with us.