Sweet Bigfoot has made a trip to GeekMan’s home town to visit great-grandparents, grandparents, aunts and uncles. Big foot has also been to San Antonio to visit grandparents and his sweet auntie. He has done absolutely wonderful in both locations, and we’re so glad that we were afforded both of these amazing trips to visit and spend some quality time with family.
CC trips

Trip to meet great-grandma G. Such a special gift that God gave us as a family before bringing great-grandma G home with Him.

Nonna and sleepy grandson.

SA trip - Auntie Red helping.

Empty plastic bottles - his new favorite toy.

Saying buh-bye.

Bigfoot also recently experienced his first family vacation. We went to Hot Springs, AR with a great group of friends we have in Bible Study. Imagine, 12 adults and 13 little ones later, we had such a great weekend of wonderful fellowship and fun!
Seph and Mama.


Family fun.

Mini-golfing with Bigfoot nice and cozy in his Ergo.

And now, *finally*, we will be making the über long trip to my hometown!! I am so excited to be bringing our little one to my home to meet more great-grandparents, all his great aunts, uncles, second cousins, and dear friends that have been waiting so very long to meet him and shower him with kisses, cuddles, and love!
In all, Lord, we are so grateful for all the safe traveling you have blessed us with and look forward to another trip with our traveling Bigfoot. But, most importantly, we are so very thankful for the gift of time spent with family and friends that we don’t get to see as often as we like.
Get ready Valley family and friends, this little cutie will be seeing you *soon*!

St. Christopher, pray for us.