Last night, Bigfoot was soo full of laughter! We hosted bible study at our home last night. Typically, our little man is just mesmerized by all the kids running around having fun while us adults get our bible study discussions on. But last night was different.
He did maintain his mesmerized and intrigued gaze throughout the study portion, but once families started leaving the kids were asking to see our pup, Lily. Of course, we obliged and brought our pup out and started showing the kids all the fun tricks she knows (always a fun hit with the younger crowd :)). All the kids were laughing and enjoying what Lily was able to do, which I anticipated, but what I did not anticipate was that Bigfoot joined in the laughing crowd and began laughing at Lily also!
This is a very different kind of laughter for this little home. Bigfoot has noticed Lily around - obviously! He sees her walking, he has heard her barking a number of times, etc etc. In terms of his laughter, normally, we get some fun laughs by showing silly faces, endless games of pick-a-boo, some fun parachuting/superman action, and tickling; but this time he identified something that he found was funny without any sort of prompt from the ever encouraging parental units! Bigfoot was looking at Lily and would laugh the cutest baby laugh ever every time Lily barked on command. Then we, of course had to encourage this amazingly fun time. Next thing you know, this mom and dad were prompting our Lily to “talk” aka bark and laughing hysterically alongside our laughing Bigfoot.

Haven’t laughed that hard in awhile. Thank you, sweet little one, for a great laugh.