“Let your light so shine before others that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16)
GeekMan looked over at me and simply whispered, “He’s baptized.”, with Joy in his eyes. The moment he turned to me, holding our precious Bigfoot in such a pure and holy state, all that I had been excited about all day and week hit me and I got teary eyed. My tears were that of Joy and happiness. The reality of what had just happened hit me like a ton of bricks. It hit my heart, my soul, and every part of me and I was filled with excitement and such happiness.
13 And people were bringing children to him that he might touch them, but the disciples rebuked them. 14 When Jesus saw this he became indignant and said to them, “Let the children come to me; do not prevent them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. 15 Amen, I say to you, whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child 2 will not enter it.” 16 Then he embraced them and blessed them, placing his hands on them. -Mark 10:13-16
People brought their children for Jesus to lay His hands on them. Jesus asked us to bring them to him so that He could bless them. GeekMan and I did just that. We brought our sweet Bigfoot to our Lord so He could bless him in the sacrament of baptism. Bigfoot left Mass on October 16, the Feast day of St. Gerard Majella, a baby cleansed of original sin by His Lord - He left there baptized and so very blessed.
GeekMan, myself, and Bigfoot were just soaking up the moment. Bigfoot did SO good throughout Mass. This being the first time we actually sat up front during Mass, we were a bit nervous. Lately, we’ve been those newbie parents sitting towards the back with an exit route in mind at all times in case Bigfoot decides to start letting out his ever so sweet and attention grabbing squeals. But not that day. Baptism day we were in the first pew where all the beautifulness (may not be a word but today I feel like it should be :)) happens. Bigfoot just watched and appeared mesmerized from the comfort of Daddy’s arms. It was so great!
Look at that baptized baby below! So precious! Bigfoot was so calm all up until it came time to get baptized (which was right around the time he normally would be taking a nap). You could tell he knew something was about to happen so he was trying so hard to fight his nap in a calm way up until this point. He held off as long as he could. Right before Fr. Jack was going to baptize him in water he got a smidge fussy, but nothing terrible. What was absolutely wonderful to see though was the moment the water was poured over his precious baby head he became still and calm; again mesmerized. And then once the wonderful Chrism oil was on his precious head, our sweet boy drifted off to sleep. Yay, Holy Spirit for being such a presence in that moment and throughout our lives. Bigfoot slowly but surely fell into his nap and remained napping the rest of Mass and he awoke so pleasantly for some pictures once Mass was finished.
This little one is such a gift from Above - we look forward to giving him the gift which our Lord has given us - our Catholic faith. And we’re so excited to be sharing this gift of Bigfoot with Uncle Godfather. He’s already such an amazing Godfather. Bigfoot and him were able to spend awesome quality time while Uncle Godfather was living with us during his PT rotation nearby. And we know that Uncle Godfather will do an amazing job in sharing his faith with our sweet little one all the days of his life.
St. Gerard Majella, pray for us.