Leading up to the day, I was pretty anxious. For anyone who knows me, I am not a planner of events by any means. I am not a natural host, but through attending girl’s nights and bible study, I’ve been able to have some practice. Sending out invites; definitely terrible about that. By the grace of God did I get those cards made, addressed, stamped, and in the mail. I mean really, anything and everything that happened was by His Grace. haha In fact, it’s these very times, that I can see His ever *abundant* grace at work. The need for to-do lists (which I never do btw), and for everything to go just right continue below - just keep reading.
There was the woman at church. The wonderful woman at our church helped me so much! All the things the Church needed in order for Bigfoot to be baptized; she made a list of and handed it to me. She helped me schedule it in a way that all the grandparents could attend; which I’m grateful for. The list she gave me reminded me of all the things I needed to get done or bring to her. She helped me figure out the best steps for Uncle Godfather to be a Godfather for our little one. She was always flexible and trying to make things work. And so much more. So, again, His Grace and Goodness through His lovely instrument at our church.
Party plans. Yup. I got nothing in this area too. Estimating how many people. How much food to buy? What food for adults, food for kids? Will we have enough for all to be filled?? How did this all happen you may ask? For starters, a wonderful friend lent her talent by creating another list (lol maybe I should force myself into list-making). She made a food list. Offered to help set up everything right after Mass. Her and her husband rushed over to the place where everyone would gather after the big event and helped set up. Along with her, some of my other sweet friends went over and also lent a helping hand. Prior to Mass, my in-laws picked up all the food once it was ready and dropped it off at the celebration location and made it to Mass on time. They also helped set up and clean up afterwards. My brother-in-law and girlfriend picked up the cake, helped set up, and clean up. Again, not me, but God’s grace working through the amazing people He has placed in my life. Do you see all the things I could not have done on my own!?!

Our little family :)
Are you seeing the pattern I’m laying out here?! Loved ones, strangers being His instrument, friends joyfully lending a hand, and then there’s me, GeekMan, and sweet Bigfoot. The three of us were able to soak up all the beautiful moments of love that took place throughout this special day. We were able to do so because of God and how he was working through all our loved ones and persons in the church in some ways that we could see and others we could not.
At the end of the day on Sunday, GeekMan and I were sitting in the living room after Bigfoot was night night and just talked about how wonderful our day had been. We were talking about how incredibly blessed we felt. And about how that day could not have been any better. We were filled with gratitude at the gift that was given us in our Bigfoot and in our vocation of marriage.
All I have to say is this little bundle has been filled with nothing but some really good stuff and we are enjoying every bit of it! :D
Below is a pic of Bigfoot’s sweet and large baptism shoes. So cute!