Just as two friends, frequently in each other’s company, tend to develop similar habits, so too, by holding familiar converse with Jesus and the Blessed Virgin, by meditation on the mysteries of the Rosary and by living the same life in Holy Communion, we can become, to the extent of our lowliness, similar to them.
Blessed Bartolo Longo (via catholic-inspiration)
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Just as two friends, frequently in each other’s company, tend todevelop similar habits, so too, by holding familiar converse with Jesusand the Blessed Virgin, by meditation on the mysteries of the Rosaryand by living the same life in Holy Communion, we can become, to theextent of our lowliness, similar to them. -Blessed Bartolo Longo
motherhood // standing
Never had I experienced true fear or anxiety till becoming a mother. Fragile little souls wrapped in beauty pla...

Never had I experienced true fear or anxiety till becoming a mother. Fragile little souls wrapped in beauty pla...
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