Time. So very sweet and yet so very fast! I wish I could capture each moment in my heart and put it on rewind whenever I wanted. This little one is truly a bundle filled with Joy to share with everyone! Even when he isn’t smiling, giggling, or doing some silly thing to tug at our hearts, does he share his sweet baby Joy.
So, my dearest Bigfoot, Mama and Daddy have talked about it and we think you should slow your aging down (if it all possible). All this snuggling, smiling, and cooing goodness just needs to stick around for at least another 5 years or so ;) Let us know what your plan of action is and we will support you any and every way possible!
(insert Bigfoot’s confused but pensive picture below)

But in all seriousness, if you haven’t gotten the gist of this post, these past 3 months have just flown by. This third month is filled with no less goodness than the last two. In fact, I just feel as each month of growth passes, new and exciting occurrences take place just as much as in the last that make me feel just as happy and excited for his life and each new day. Now, I’m sure you might be thinking, “Duh, Amanda, that’s what happens when babies grow. They learn and do new things all the time.” Fair enough. But, this Mama is just soaking it all in with fresh eyes and an open heart. I guess, I’m just in awe and in love with my front seat tickets to this beautiful boys life.

Now, let’s talk about all the fun things/experiences you’ve had/been up to this past month!
-You’ve regularly been partaking in Family Grill Friday’s :D You sit beside Mama and Daddy at the table while we chow down on some BBQ you’re Daddy makes us. Food that I know you will enjoy once those chompers come in!
-You have attended a couple more Girl’s Night Dallas nights with Mama. Mama has had fun while you’ve enjoyed being held by other kind and caring arms :)
-Mama and Daddy went to a movie! You stayed with Uncle Godfather. You all had lots of fun. I know he loves you tons! and, I think you’re pretty excited about him too :D
-Nana had a Birthday and so did Nonna! You can definitely make these ladies hearts smile so big! They love you so much, my little one.
-You’ve been going to Bible Study with Daddy and Mama every Thursday night :) You got a little fussy when Daddy and Mama led. Maybe we just weren’t giving you the attention you were wanting ;) - but, you were great when we hosted!
-haha Daddy thought it would be worthwhile to share his geekiness with you in the form of an animated Pick-A-Boo game on our touchpad. You seemed pretty mesmerized. He also slipped in a quick lesson on Angry Birds lol

-You watched your first Aggie football game! Whoop! We were with good friends and even though you were probably mostly confused, know that Aggie football will definitely be a part of your life.
-You had your first Labor day! We spent the day with some wonderful friends who just love you!
-You know the sound of our voices. In a crowded room you will look my or Daddy’s way when we’re talking…so sweet!
-You also watched your first Dallas Cowboy game! Another team you will definitely become very familiar with. Every man in your life will make sure of that :)
-Sweetheart, you rolled over from tummy to back! Mama was so proud and excited for you! I love seeing your determination and focus.

-And, you are getting pretty good at tummy time! You always start off with smiles, that lead to a serious ‘I’m putting forth all my effort’ face, that leads to the ‘I’m still trying, but I’m getting tired! face, that ultimately leads to the ‘pleaseee pick me up’ plea :)
-You’ve been working on that hand/eye coordination by batting at the hanging toys in your Einstein gym.
-Bigfoot, Great Grandma, who was Nonna’s mama, passed away. We are very sad that she is gone and will definitely miss her and her wonderful personality and amazing love. Know that she loved you so much. Know that she was so grateful that she got to meet you. Know that you have a sweet soul in Heaven praying for you all the days of your life. We made it to her funeral. Daddy and Uncle Longhorn gave the Eulogy. You would be so proud.
Bigfoot, when you are older, ask me about your great grandma. Daddy and I would love to share her with you.
-One things for sure, you were quite the talky baby at Great Grandma’s Rosary. Maybe you were trying to join in on the prayers? :)
-You still smile and giggle all throughout the day making my vocation the greatest joy for me.
-Your awesome second cousins who are living in Japan sent you some love! So we showered you with it all :D

-You’re ticklish! Daddy’s hairy chin tickles your feet and you laugh your precious baby laugh! or I tickle your sides or tummy and you just start giggling. It’s so great! We’ll show you the videos of your cuteness when you’re older.
-According to Carter’s baby clothes you are supposed to be between 6 and 9 months of life (because that is the present size of clothes you are wearing). Maybe I should call them and let them know their sizes are a bit off? haha that or you’re just living up to your Bigfoot ways.
-We are full time cloth diapering and loving it. I love your fluffy butt, love that we have only had a leak or two (only because I hadn’t adjusted the fit well enough), love your fluffy bum, and love all the money we are saving every week! And of course, it’s a plus on how environment friendly they are. We have yet to buy any disposables and actually still have some sposies left from our baby shower way back when lol
-We also are now using cloth wipies! They are so easy and are so much better for your bum. You are finally diaper rash free since we’ve been cloth diapering and using cloth wipes. This makes us both happy*
-Oh! You love bath time! You are always so soothed and calm looking after you’ve had bath. Hope you still love bath time every new year of your life until forever :D

-hmm, what else? You are cooing soo much! I can tell you are really enjoying finding your voice. Keep it up lil’ man, I love hearing it!
-You have quite the grasp. And pretty great eye contact. You definitely aren’t losing any staring contests as of late.
-You have the cutest stretch routine after naps and waking from any sleep for that matter.

-And finally, you are technically sleeping through the night. I read somewhere that STTN is considered 5-6 hours. You have that bit down. You’ve also thrown in some 9 hour nights, 8 hour nights, and quite a few 7 hour nights. So you are well on your way little one :)
Alright, my little one. Don’t forget to figure out the plan of action for slowing down time since you are growing up way too fast! :) It’s crazy to think how much has happened in these past months and even crazier to think what that means for the months to come.
(insert distant look into the future with the childish grin of mischief below)

Bring it on, Son. We’re as ready as we’ll ever be. And definitely loving *every* precious moment.
ily, my Bigfoot.