It is not how much we do, but how much love we put in the doing. It is not how much we give, but how much love we put in the giving.-Mother Theresa
As you all know, my mother and mother in law came to stay with me during the first two weeks that our family was home from the hospital. We came home from the hospital on Friday and Geekman had to go back to work that Monday, which was not easy, but something we knew we could bear through. However, without my mother being here with us that first week, things would have been so terribly difficult. My body was pretty defeated and beat up after all the hours of labor and major surgery. And my mother in law coming the following week helped ease me into transitioning being at home with our newborn Bigfoot and all his newborn needs. During this time, I began to gain more confidence in my physical abilities as well as my own mothering abilities. Without the gifts that these amazing women shared us, yes we could have made it through, but with them here I continued to see how God was working. Something my healing heart and body was in need of.
My mother being here with me that first week home was such a blessing. Not only because she demonstrated the beauty that a mother is by all the love and service she shared with myself, GeekMan, and her new grandson, but also because my mom and I haven’t spent that kind of time together probably since I was in high school. Of course, I’ve had the summers at home or the holidays, etc, but I have not had that one on one time in such a long time. Spending the quality time with her made my heart so happy. Our day to day chats while she was here, seeing the beautiful grandmother she is to our son, seeing how she loves me so much through all that she did while here, and just being in her presence were all occasions and blessings that only God could orchestrate. For that, I ask my heart and guardian angel to constantly offer thanksgiving to Our Lord. And, I thank my mom, for being who she is and for all the love she put forth in the doing and the giving to our family. I love you so much, mom. And it was very hard to see you go, but I know God will provide us with more time in His Perfect time. Also, dad, thank you so much for letting mom come stay with me. I know you knew I was concerned at first just because I knew my mom and I can easily clash at times (that’s just what moms and daughters do sometimes lol), but you of course eased my worries as always. So, thank you for trusting the love that mom and I have for each other which provided for an amazing time together and thank you for your sacrifice in all of this. After only being married for a year and half, I feel being parted from your spouse would be immensely difficult - and I say that only because I cannot imagine being separated from my spouse of 30 + years. I love you, dad and thank you :)

And to my dear mother-in-law - you were here the week following my mom and as much as I know you just wanted to spend so much time with Bigfoot, you were so much help and such a blessing to me. You took care of me in the ways that I needed the week following my mom. I had improved in health quite a bit, but still had various areas that I was struggling with. Those areas are where you met me and did so much! Your diligence is encouraging and inspiring. By watching, both, you and my mother, I learned to better be a mommy to Bigfoot and a better wife to GeekMan. I saw all the love you put forth in providing meals, tending to various chores around our home, chatting and sharing with me, and loving your grandson - and for all that I witnessed I thank you. You truly blessed me just by being you. Not only did you bless me but you blessed Bigfoot and GeekMan too. Also, with everything going on in your life, I know it was not easy for you to be away from your mom - Bigfoot’s great grandma. Please know that your sacrifice truly meant so much to us. Not only your sacrifice being away from your mother during this time, but also being away from your husband. Like I mentioned before, I can’t imagine being away from GeekMan for that long and we’ve been married just a short while compared to you both and my parents. So, thank you, my father in law for the gift you gave us in sharing your beautiful wife with us for a week. And, thank you mother-in-law, for all the great love you put forth in all that you did and gave to our little family.

You and my mother were a huge answered prayer as well as a huge gift to our family. In retrospect, I can see why God let things happen as they did during those two weeks. Not only was it a lesson in humility which I am always needing but it was also a lesson on love. The love you modeled for me is an inspiration. My prayer is that I will grow in my ability to love as you both have loved me and my family during those weeks (and throughout our lives) - and that I will abundantly share that love with my GeekMan and Bigfoot.
I love you both so much and thank you for blessing me.
PS Pretty sure I still need some pictures that you both took during those weeks! Any and all pictures welcomed! And I will do the same with you! :D