Before Bigfoot was born, GeekMan and I got news that his maternal grandma was sick -very sick. She had just received news that she has stage 4 lung cancer about a month before Bigfoot was born - mind you she had already been struggling with other ailments. To receive this news was heartbreaking to say the least. We knew how much she wanted to meet her great grandchild and she was a very big part of GeekMan’s life, but we didn’t know when Bigfoot would make his debut nor when would be the earliest that we could travel.
Well, I’m happy to report, by the grace of God, our little family made the 9 hour drive to see great grandma. Sweet Bigfoot was all smiles when we were with great grandma at the hospital. She kept saying how he was so handsome just like his daddy (which I completely agree with). We stayed with her awhile but since Bigfoot’s immune system is still so immature we couldn’t stay there too long and great grandma needed her rest.
Overall, I definitely feel that God had His Kind and Gentle Hand with us always - guiding and protecting us on our drive, allowing Bigfoot to meet his loving great grandma who had been so excited to meet him since he was in the womb, and allowing all of us some great family time with Bigfoot’s grandparents.
This past weekend gave all of us wonderful time with family which is always such a gift, but unfortunately great grandma’s health is failing her. Doctors say we’re “lucky” if she makes it through another month. I’m not sure what the doctor meant by that or any doctor ever means by that, but I do know that this is a difficult time for Bigfoot’s great grandma and all those near and dear to her. I just pray, and ask for prayers from you, that Our Lord grant her the Peace that only He can give. I know Our Lord loves her so very much. I saw it in how He provided such a smooth and fruitful trip for a family traveling with an almost 2 month old for 9 hours. I see how He is continuously present in her trying life right now through all who love her and pray that she be able to see God’s beautiful face telling her “I love you.” over and over again.
Here is a favorite picture of our Bigfoot with his Great Grandma.